The ICON-native DEX, Balanced, is now live on Archway, enabling seamless cross-chain swaps, transfers and liquidity between Archway and ICON via xCall. This expansion is supported by the ICON Foundation who have provided seed liquidity for the launch.
November's efforts focused on resolving critical IBC relay issues for a smoother Balanced launch, advanced xCall contracts testing and geared up for BTP's mainnet debut in mid-Dec.
Revision 23 updates STEP calculation on testnets and users should test contract costs before December 18th's mainnet proposal. For concerns, contact support via the ICON Discord.
We're happy to share that the latest updates to the CPS are now live. Jump in for a quick overview of the key changes!
ICON Foundation integrated IBC into its stack, expanding to include Neutron. This collaboration enhances cross-chain options for DeFi dApps and standardizes cross-chain development, advancing their vision of borderless blockchains.
October saw Archway and Neutron successfully integrated with mainnet. November promises further advancements, including comprehensive testing for xCall v2, blockchain integrations, and more.
ICONex mobile and My ICON Wallets will soon be deprecated. We encourage users of the deprecated wallets to migrate to Hana wallet at their earliest convenience, reaching out to us on the ICON Discord server with any support needs.
ICON has successfully launched xCall on IBC's mainnet, connecting with Archway as its first Cosmos chain. xCall enhances the cross-chain development experience with standardized messaging, paving the way for more integrations.
Discover innovative projects showcasing the potential of cross-chain communication and decentralized applications. From efficient cross-chain transactions to Multitoken Standards, these initiatives illustrate the capabilities of xCall technology.
September unfolded as a landmark month in xCall's journey, with BTP blocks having been meticulously tested and deployed to mainnet. This development paving the way for the IBC Archway integration to be successfully deployed to mainnet within the month.
What an exciting couple of weeks it has been for xCall with the Incentivized Testnet Program! We received 18 high-quality submissions, making them eligible for a total of 331,700 ICX in rewards.
The month of August has been particularly eventful! We are excited to announce that our IBC integrations have successfully gone live on testnets. This significant milestone marks a crucial step forward in our development journey.
We hereby inform you that the tracker API will cease its operations on Sep 25 20:00 (EST) | Sep 26 09:00 (KST). Below are the domains to be terminated:
To those who have been keenly tracking our monthly updates, today marks a pivotal moment in our journey. We are thrilled to officially communicate the progress of ICON’s integration with IBC!
This is a step-by-step guide on how to submit a solution for a challenge in the Incentivized xCall Testnet Program.
Throughout the month of July, our team has been working on numerous updates to BTP contracts and our relays. In a significant development, we have transitioned BSC into a trustless state, similar to our connection with Ethereum.
We are excited to announce the upcoming launch of the xCall Incentivized Testnet Program starting July 31, 2023. Our ultimate goal is to make xCall the easiest tool that developers can use to add an interoperability feature to their products.
During the month of June, our dedicated team provided ample support for our focus testers as they began experimenting with BTP and xCall.
On June 15th, we successfully concluded a closed test for xCall. Each participating team created testing dApps that executed transactions between xCall-connected chains ICON, Ethereum, BSC, and Havah.
In May, testing efforts continues, resulting in the identification and resolution of numerous bugs. Additionally, all necessary updates for the BSC Luban upgrade were completed and deployed successfully!
The month of April has been all about testing BTP components in a live testnet environment. During this time, a BSC testnet update required modifications to our relay and BMV contracts.
We are thrilled to announce the launch of the ICON Validator Support Program, through which validators can each receive up to 5 million ICX in delegation support.
In March, the team has activated BTP blocks on the Berlin testnet. BTP contracts, that are currently one-way trustless, have been deployed on ICON Berlin testnet, BSC testnet, and ETH Sepolia.
These reports are designed to inform ICON’s technical community about the ideological focus, milestones, specific goals, and planned timelines for a given time period.
In February, the team started testing BTP across local instances. Alongside the BTP milestones board, we can now also take a first look at the milestone board for IBC integrations.
With Web3Labs’ ICE and SNOW contract expiring at the end of this month, Venture23 will assume the responsibility for keeping the SNOW Network live through April, as the ICE and SNOW project wraps up.
While we appreciate the ICE and SNOW teams’ efforts to bring EVM compatibility to the ICON ecosystem, the ICON Foundation has decided to no longer provide funding beyond the teams’ currently contracted terms.
Work on the xCall service integration into IBC has commenced. In this article, we share tasks completed and development milestones for February.
With the full launch of the audited bridge, the ICON Foundation is no longer directly funding new development of the ICON Bridge project. The ICON Bridge Relay is still centrally operated by ICONLOOP and will remain so.
As we kick off the new year, we would like to share some reflections on the past year and details regarding our strategic focus for 2023.
In December, the ICON team continued making progress on BTP, ICON Bridge and ICON 2.0. In this article, we share tasks completed and development milestones for January.
Read about our technical community milestones and goals for January 1 to March 31.